2020 le Tour de Femme - Virtual Event
2020 le Tour de Femme - Virtual Event
2020 le Tour de Femme - Virtual Event


I've raised$1,093My Goal$1,000

Celebrating the MILESTONE

FIFTEEN YEARS. How as it been 15 years since the infamous day at Chick-fil-a when that group of friends got together and decided they "wanted to be about something."

Now, here, 15 years later, I AM MORE CONFIDENT THAN EVER, when asked "What is Grab My Wheel?" and "Where is le Tour de Femme?" - we proudly echo in unison saying we've never "been about" a WHAT, or a WHERE - we are a WHO.

The GMW and le Tour jerseys are on the backs of its founders; and YES, every single one us is fast...where it is important. FAST to help a friend and FAST to react when there is a need.

We each are STRONG; not always in gear, but in character. On the bike; front or back of the peleton. It makes no difference how we start or even IF we finish, because the ride we're on has no podium. Our mission is to make the move to ensure those who are fighting will never ride alone.

Because we're a WHO, COVID hit us hard as individuals - financial loss, close family goodbyes, and it’s been over 200 days since I HAVE HAD A HUG!! But more notably, we admit to an almost equitible ache - confessing that it has dampened our togetherhood in a year that was destined to be so special with a milestone celebration at home and an innaugural year for #leTourMN in Minnesota.

But that 15 year lens has given us the needed perspective on what's remain unchanged (OH! What little we knew years ago!)...that our greatest strength has ALWAYS been our commitment to each other, and a relentless dedication to this community that grows each & every year.

So with the same resilience this small team has thrived on over the years, we walk forward in-step together looking to our 15th Anniversary as a beacon of our optimism fueling a renewed strength to our commitment: that IN THIS FIGHT against cancer, against COVID, against the disappointment, the loss, the burdens and the worries…..NO ONE RIDES ALONE.

Though October 10th won’t be anything like we imagined, we look forward to celebrating our FIFTEENTH YEAR of togetherhood, with each other and with YOU! I hope you will choose to join us in some capacity. Whether it is choosing to join in our virtual community during #leTourWeek, sharing your journey or story with us, or a kind donation ensuring that NO ONE will face their fight alone.



We've been 100% volunteer from day one. No salaries. No supplies. Every donation goes to ensure that in the fight against cancer, no one rides alone.

Since starting in 2006, GMW has raised over half of a MILLION dollars to support the Rex Healthcare Angel Fund, where every dollar raised goes toward essentials in caring for cancer survivors. Every dollar given will keep the heat on, provide a car ride home from chemo and cover the grocery bill for nutrition to help patients stay strong. No research. No overhead. Just day-to-day needs and support... Just as it was for me, when I needed it most. 

We know 2020 is has been a financial strain for every member of our community, so we know you may not have the resources to gift the size of your heart. Instead this year, we're asking $15 for 15 to celebrate our anniversary.
Donate Now



Come and ride (spin, hike, walk, sip....we don't judge).
Our community is one of the things that makes le Tour de Femme special, so we're building a virtual community "ride" for this year! What does a virtual ride look like? ANYTHING. YOU. WANT.

Traditionally our rides are a 15 neighborhood mile route up through 100K Century.
This year, we're encouraging our "riders" to tackle that same distance any way you choose.
 • Want to spread it out over the course of #leTourWeek? SURE!
 • Mountain trails instead of the road? TOTALLY.
 • Assign some miles to family members with an after-dinner walk together. ABSOLUTELY.
   And take a take a glass of wine with you, because we're into that too.

We will also be tracking total miles ridden, so yes, this is still a community effort....every pedalstroke/sip counts!!

Meet part of YOUR community in this WRAL higlight from 2019 and the WHO behind why WE ride.



#leTourWeek (Oct. 3-10)
Register for our 2020 Virtual Year and you'll receive a commemorative purple buff/scarf carrying our 15th Anniversary design - a keepsake memory as a sign of our year!
Want the le Tour look without the legwork? Pick out an item from our store to sport during #leTourWeek

Download the free app to make your miles count!
Learn More  Download the App

Have a stationary trainer or bike?
Pedal with us on Ride Day from wherever you are!
Sat. October 10th - 9:00am
Learn More

Join the Fight, Join the Family
The Grab My Wheel family is made from ordinary people who have the desire to make a difference. From the beginning, we decided that there would never be a paid employee or representative for Grab My Wheel, and over a decade later, we remain 100% volunteer.
Join the fight, join the family to ensure that no one rides alone.

Related Links
2020 le Tour de Femme - Virtual Event Fundraising Page